T.A. Fudger
North Vancouver, BC
"I clean and lubricate all my loaders with Enviro Save . They all run smoother, more reliable and show no wear on the moving parts. Really what more could a guy ask for?"

Dr. K. V. Hansen Inc.
Courtney, BC
"We have been using this product on our Kavo high speed handpieces. The lifespan of the turbines on the handpieces seem to last 30-40% longer and also run smoother."

All Katona
Surrey, BC
"There was a significant decrease in barrel temperature after use. Additionally, I found improved consistent accuracy which I never had before."

Alan Kruse
Rock Island, IL
"I am pleased with the product and am now applying it to all my other firearms!"

Bruce Coach Custom Conversions
"Enviro Save has made an amazing difference on the operating temp. and amps of these units."