quick reference list

Full original letters are listed below. There are hundreds more if you need something specific. Please do not hesitate to contact us at info@envirosaveglobal.com
wayne Dyck
Bonners Ferry, Idaho
The fact that it is a one-time application, unlike any other product I heard about or used, really got my interest. It is by far the best product cost to savings ratio I've ever seen or used."

Burrard Transport
Maple Ridge, BC
"It sure keeps older trucks operating longer with minimal repairs"

E.R. Pero
"I recommend Enviro Save to anybody who cares about the equipment they drive or own. In my 39 years of driving there is NO product that beats ENVIRO SAVE."

Mullen Trucking
Aldersyde, AB
11.1% avg. fuel savings with 24 highway only driven trucks over 1 year.

Peace View Colony
Farmington, ,BC
9% savings in fuel consumption. " Near as we can tell, eveything you've told us about Enviro Save is true. We plan to treat other units."

Tyran Transport Ltd.
Clayhurst, BC
"Reducing our carbon footprint, and greening our fleet will save money in fuel costs, repair costs, down time and unit replacement time lines."

Dave Moore Trucking Ltd.
Dawson Creek, BC
"During treatment, my run time decreased each time I made a pass, unbelievable to pick up that much power with such a small expense."

Lei Cal Enterprises Inc.
St. Thomas ON
"I highly recommend Enviro Save! I have it in my Thermo King units as well!"

Clay Township Fire Co. Inc.
Spencer, IN
"Fire trucks start quicker without a dry start on the motor and run smoother. The trucks even have more power."

Dufour Ent. Ltd.
Dawson Creek, BC
"minimized wear on 550 hp Cat engine with 1.5 million kms, bearings and liner looked like new!"

Middleton Freight Lines Pty. Ltd.
Australia - 2005
15-25 C temp. drop in all components plus 8-10% savings in fuel.

First Bus Canada Ltd.
Ottawa, ON
approx. 10% drop in fuel consumption

Long Beach Transit System
"The results presented in this report do reflect statistical significance in the reduction of metal wear in both major components tested (Transmission and engines)."

Big D's Picker Service
Maple Ridge, BC
More constant power, pickdr up 1/2 gear on hills. 8.55% Fuel savings.

Harold Parsons
Surrey, BC
"After treating, vibrations disappeared, it ran much smoother and the RPM would increase immediately. Rear ends are also operating much cooler and smoother. Fuel consumption is down 5-10%."

Dawson Creek, BC
"Our average runout lifetime of the tractors has jumped from 1,200,000 to 2,400,000kms."

BC Transit Bus system
British Columbia, Canada
Engine wear decrease 38-66%, Transmission wear decrease 36-71%.

International Trading Company Ltd
Parana, Brazil
9.78% fuel savings